Berwyn Veterinary Center for Integrative Medicine is closed but... Dr. Whipple and Emma are available Monday and Tuesdays for acupuncture and herbs. email us at theotherthingsvet@gmail.com We will be available for record pick up most Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am - 2pm. Please feel free to stop by. It is with heavy heart that I remind you that as 2024 comes to an end so does the Berwyn Veterinary Center for Integrative Medicine. It has been an incredible experience for 37 years. Our connections to all of you have been special and unforgettable.
There is not enough gratitude in the world for me to bestow upon my staff. They have been loyal, responsible and present, they have helped me to shape and deliver our special brand of medicine day after day and year after year.
Kim, vet tech extraordinaire, has been here since graduation from Harcum in 1994. Her love of animals and broad understanding of what makes them tick has made her a valuable and much appreciated staff member. She has skillfully and safely anesthetized thousands of your pets over the years for which I am ever so grateful. Kim will be available for pet sitting in the future.
Emma came on board in 2004. Over the years she has capably stepped into the role of office manager. Her duties are innumerable and she has managed to keep the hospital running smoothly. Her most memorable job however has been finding and ordering the most palatable and enticing treats available (we might have run out of vaccines or tissues but we have never run out of dog treats!). She will be helping Dr. Whipple maintain a small acupuncture practice among other things.
Lynn arrived here 5 years ago as a vet tech intern, she never left. She has become an invaluable assistant in our office and has generously shared her expertise and intuitive sense of dog behavior with us and our patients. She will continue on with her dog training business.
Omi was our beloved office cat for over 17 years. He passed away peacefully with our help on Christmas Eve 2022. He was as photogenic as he was friendly so many FB posts were devoted to him over the years.
Vester, the black and white cat with a dog-like friendly attitude shared life at BVC for 7 years. Thankfully we were able to find him a new home where he is delightfully happy and doesn't have to spend weekends alone .
I, Dr. Whipple will be doing some limited acupuncture and herbal medicine while pursuing clarinet playing and other music involvement in my life. I am so grateful for all the years I have shared with you, my clients and your pets. Not many people can say they've had a dream job, I have. I wish you all wellness and happiness as the future unfolds.
With sadness and joy I wish you well,
Here at BVCIM we know that each patient is somebody's family member and we never lose sight of that.
Our Mission is to make every owner feel good about having chosen us, from the moment they call to make the appointment to the time they leave our parking lot. To offer our clients medically and ethically responsible choices for their pets. To treat each of our patients with kindness, with gentleness, and with the best medical care we are able. To continue to learn and to maintain a health care level current with the day's standards. To remain nurturing to our patients and to their people.
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Berwyn Veterinary Center 1058 Lancaster Avenue Berwyn PA 19312 Phone: (610) 640 - 9188 Fax: (610) 408 - 9910